50:バードの旅行記 Bird's Travels in Japan
This is "UNBEATEN TRACKS IN JAPAN" owned by our hotel.
初版は1880(明治3)年。”Unbeaten Tracks in Japan:An Account of Travels in the Interior、Including Visits to the Aborigines of Yezo and the Shrines of Nikko and Ise、2vols”(『日本の未踏の地―蝦夷の先住民と日光東照宮・伊勢神宮訪問を含む内地旅行の報告』)。800ページを超す大作で2巻で発売されました。1885年に簡略版、1900年に再編集版が出版されています。
The first edition was published in 1880 (Meiji 3). "Unbeaten Tracks in Japan: An Account of Travels in the Interior, Including Visits to the Aborigines of Yezo and the Shrines of Nikko and Ise, 2 vols" (translated as "Untrodden Japan: A Report of Inland Travels, Including Visits to the Indigenous People of Ezo and Nikko Tosho-gu and Ise Grand Shrines"). This monumental work, exceeding 800 pages, was released in two volumes. A condensed edition was published in 1885, followed by a revised edition in 1900.
The Kanaya Hotel possesses two copies of "Unbeaten tracks in Japan"
These beautifully bound books are the revised edition with additional photo pages. The books also include photographs of the Kanaya family.
Although Isabella Bird wrote about her impressions of Japan with a rather critical tone in general, she wrote very favorably about her stay at the Kanaya Cottage Inn and about the Kanaya family.
How did Zenichiro, who was still a young man at the time, perceive this energetic woman traveling the world?