27:ポスト  ーMailboxー

A round postbox installed next to the main entrance. It is still in use today.

It is said that this type of round postbox first appeared in Japan in 1901 (Meiji 34), and has since been improved upon.This postbox is called "Postal Mail Box No. 1 (Round)" and was first put into practical use as a new iron postbox in 1949 (Showa 24).
Shigeru Yoshida, Indira Gandhi, and Hideki Yukawa may have also sent letters from here.
During your stay, why not try sending a letter to your family, friends, and loved ones through this postbox?
Famous people who have stayed at Kanaya Hotel may have also used this postbox to drop off their letters.
Why not use this postbox to send a letter to your family, friends, and loved ones during your stay?
Nearby within Nikko city, these round postboxes can also be found in front of JR Nikko Station and Tobu Nikko Station Post Office.