15:スケートを楽しむ人々 ーPeople enjoying skatingー
Nikko may have a strong image as a summer resort, but there are also winter activities that take advantage of the city's climate and local customs.
The photographs convey the fun of those days.
Starting with the construction of skating rinks at Furukawa Electric and Kanaya Hotel, skating in Nikko continued to spread, with the All-Japan Student Ice Championships being held there and several natural rinks being built in towns such as San-nai (now the area of World Heritage ) and Monzen (the area from present-day Nikko Station to Shinkyo Bridge).
▶︎日光市史から抜粋 Excerpt from Nikko City History
It is said that the first skaters to skate in Nikko were Kobayashi Shojuro, who put on American Winslow-made skates and skated on a pond on Ogurayama with his friend Kanaya Shinichi (*) around 1907. In the Taisho era, Suzuki Tsunesaburo, the director of Furukawa Electric's Nikko Electric Copper Refinery, converted Waraku Pond into a rink and encouraged young people to take up skating. In October 1916, following a suggestion from the Englishman Greyston who was visiting the Kanaya Hotel, the hotel's 660-square-meter tennis court was converted into a rink for use mainly by guests staying at the hotel.
(「日光市史・下巻」P693) ("Nikko City History, Volume 3", p. 693)