11:スケート靴 ーSkatesー
These skates evoke the image of a 19th century winter social gathering.
Attracting customers in the winter was a difficult problem for Kanaya Hotel. At that time, a customer suggested to Shinichi that he build an ice rink within the hotel. In the winter of 1914 (Taisho 3), ice was laid on the tennis court and skating began. Since then, it has been loved by many customers as a winter social gathering place for gentlemen and ladies.
日光で初めてスケートをしたのは金谷眞一とその友人だと『日光市市史』にあります。眞一は、なるほど、その手があったか! と思ったに違いありません。
The Nikko City History states that the first people to go skating in Nikko were Kanaya Shinichi and a friend. Shinichi must have thought, "Ah, that's a good idea!"
The skating rink was loved by many people, but unfortunately, due to the effects of global warming, it has been closed for several years.
All that remains to this day is the rental skates at the Kanrantei pavilion on the rink site, a reminder of the bustling activity that once took place.